
Best Place For Business And Career In America 2013 - Best Interview

Best Place For Business And Career In America 2013

Provo UT claimed number 1 position and named ‘Best place for business and career in America 2013Here is the list of top 15 cities considered as best place to start career and business.
Note: This list is prepared by Forbes magazine, and its ranking system, if you want to read full list of ranking thoroughly then read here, or if you want quick look then enjoy.

1. Provo UT

This metro area with population of 542,700 people is ranked as number1.

2. Raleigh NC

This metro area with population of 1,169,000 people is ranked as number2.

3. Fort Collins, CO

This metro area with population of 306,200 people is ranked as number 3.

4. Des Moines,Co

This metro area with population of 580,700 people is ranked as number 4.

5. Denver Co

This metro area with population of 2,602,900 people is ranked as number 5.

6. Ogden UT

This metro area with population of 557,600 people is ranked as number 6.

7. Lincoln NE

This metro area with population of 306,900 people is ranked as number 7.

8. Dallas TX

This metro area with population of 4,356,500 people is ranked as number 8.

9. Austin TX

This metro area with population of 1,789,100 people is ranked as number 9.

10. Nashville TN

This metro area with population of 1,620,600 people is ranked as number 10.

11. Omaha NE

This metro area with population of 878,300 people is ranked as number 11.

12. Oklahoma City,OK

This metro area with population of 1,278,900 people is ranked as number 12.

13. San Antonio, TX

This metro area with population of 2,201,400 people is ranked as number 13.

14. Durham NC

This metro area with population of 513,600 people is ranked as number 14.

15. Fort Worth-Arlington,TX

This metro area with population of 2,187,000 people is ranked as number 15.

Methodology of Best Places Methodology as Forbes
Forbes gives the most weighting to business costs and educational attaiment. Others are job growth, cost (business and living), past five years income growth, educational attainment and projected economic growth, also crime rates, cultural and recreational opportunities and net migration patterns.

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