
List of Top 17 Trends In 2014 ( Tech Trend, Business Trend, Market Trend)

This article tries to predict and describe about upcoming trends in 2014. Here is the list of upcoming changes in 2014.

Top Trend Prediction 2014

Top trend 2014 pic credit: techi.com

Technology Trend Prediction 2014

1. Mobile Payment Gateway: You will see more mobile payment gateways. You will have more options. However, remember they will charge more than normal rate. You have to bargain.

2. Smart phone and laptop: We will see more advanced smart phones and laptops.
3. Smart wearable gadgets:  More wearable gadgets will dominant the tech market like google glass, smart watch.
4. Camera and printers: small but powerful cameras we will see. Sales of printer will increase. Advance printer like 3D will enter  into market.
5. Antivirus: Tech companies will claim they have most powerful anti-virus software.
6. Operating system: We will enjoy new operating system on laptop and computer.
7. Smart TV: We will have smarter TV.

Business Trend Prediction 2014

8. Portfolio of stocks: Investors will keep more social media companies' shares.
9. Innovation:  Newcomer companies will become more innovative than existing one, because existing companies will focus more on marketing than innovation.
10. More social media export: Big companies will hire more social media export.
11. Social media marketing: Small companies will see social media as first marketing platform than before.
12. Health sectors and technology: health sector will use more technologies.
13. Digitalization of reading materials: normal reading materials like academic books will become more digital.

General Trend Prediction 2014

14. Electric vehicle: We will see more electric mode of transportation.
15. Habit of social media users: Social media users will post more video and pictures than texting or writing.
16. Internet service: users will enjoy high speed internet at low cost.
17. Online.

Note: source of this article is different websites and writer own thought.
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